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15 HP Krack Medium Temp System (230v)

Size: 15 HP

Condition: New

Barr Ready-Ship Item!


New 15 hp medium temp system to include:

(1) new 15 hp krack mnfg outdoor condensing unit with defrost timer.  Unit mod: csd-0150mrk with copeland “discus” compressor, awef #7.6.  208-230 volt, 3 phase, r-449a.

Rating: 148,700 btuh @ +25 degree sst

(2) new krack mnfg medium profile cooler evaporators with “variable speed ec” motors.  Mod.msd36a-712-rvb, air defrost, 11,040 cfm, 3-20” fans, 115 volt, 1 phase.

Approx dim: 27” deep x 129” wide x 27” high, awef #9.00. Rating: 71,180 btuh @ 10 degree td

Notes: system sized for +36 degree room temp, +25 degree sst, +95 degree ambient and operation on refrigerant r-449a or r-448a. Controls for ec motors and txvs not included.


Voltage/Phase: 3 Ph, 208-230 V
Barr Ready Ship: yes
Warranty: 1 YR + 4 YR Extended